Durrington Walls Henge, Wiltshire. Report on Geophysical Survey, April 2004

Author(s): Andy Payne

A fluxgate magnetometer survey was carried out over the southern portion of the Neolithic henge at Durrington Walls extending across the ploughed out southern bank of Durrington Walls to the smaller neighbouring henge monument of Woodhenge. In addition to expanding the previous magnetometer coverage of Durrington Walls, the purpose of the survey was to attempt to map any traces of archaeological features linking the two adjacent henges such as an avenue, or approach structures formed by ditch or pit alignments. Conditions for magnetic survey in the area between the henges were poor due to extensive interference from ferrous material near the modern field boundaries and road lines. No obvious features linking the two henges were detected, with the exception of two very weak and tentative linear anomalies north and south of the expected southern entrance of Durrington Walls. The survey has revealed a considerable number of significant anomalies not directly related to the henge but nevertheless of interest in the area south and west of the bank of Durrington Walls and north of Woodhenge. These anomalies include an apparent enclosure, ditched boundaries and a possible trackway.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Fluxgate Geophysical Survey Magnetometer


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