Little Chalfield, Atworth, Wiltshire: Report on Geophysical Survey, August 2014

Author(s): Paul Linford, Andy Payne, Neil Linford

Caesium magnetometer survey was conducted over a rectilinear ditched enclosure connected with an extended double-ditched linear "avenue" and an adjoining field system of probable Iron Age to Roman date, at Little Chalfield, Atworth, Wiltshire, recorded through the initial aerial photographic phase of the National Archaeological Identification Surveys: West Wiltshire (Lowland Pilot). A vehicle-towed, caesium magnetometer array was applied in an attempt to enhance the cropmark evidence and also identify any wider significant activity over a 17.7ha area within a single large arable field. Despite some interference from ferrous pipelines, the survey confirmed the cropmark mapping and provided some additional evidence for internal occupation activity within the ploughed levelled enclosure, including the remains of a probable circular dwelling, and suggested a wider relationship to the field systems and trackways in the surrounding landscape.

Report Number:
Research Report
Caesium Vapour Geophysical Survey Iron Age Magnetometer Roman Settlement Field System Enclosure Trackway


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