The Church of St Andrew, Pixley, Herefordshire : Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge

Most of the internal timbers of the church were found to have too few rings for dendrochronological study, although a single wallplate and various members of the screen separating the nave and chancel were sampled, along with timbers supporting the bell turret. Only one of these timbers dated. This had an outside ring formed in AD 1567, but no sapwood, and is therefore likely to have been felled after AD 1578. Four timbers from the south porch roof dated. They appear to form a single group of timbers, and one retaining complete sapwood was found to have been felled in winter AD 1467/8. This suggests that the porch is of late fifteenth-century date, much later than was thought previously.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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