Sibton Abbey, Sibton, Suffolk: Report on Geophysical Surveys, May 2022

Author(s): Neil Linford, Andy Payne

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), fluxgate gradiometer and earth resistance surveys were conducted at Sibton Abbey, Sibton, Suffolk, as part of a wider non-invasive study of the site. Historic England’s Heritage at Risk (HAR) programme has been funding the consolidation of the substantial standing remains at Sibton, but very little is known about the abbey’s layout within the precinct, or the wider associated landscape. Results from the fluxgate magnetometer survey (1.8ha), while partially obscured by ferrous disturbance in the vicinity of the standing remains, revealed evidence for buildings, water management and potential semi-industrial activity beyond the immediate site of the abbey. Earth resistance survey (0.3ha) was able to access areas of overgrown vegetation and extensive rabbit burrows adjacent to the abbey allowing continuity between wall and ditch-type anomalies identified beyond the buildings by the other two techniques. Vehicle towed GPR survey (5ha) corroborated the magnetic data suggesting the presence of substantial complex of building remains to the east of the abbey, possibly associated with either a tannery or fulling mill. Additional detail of the abbey precinct remains, later monastic house and gardens, and possible water management features were found to the north and east of the standing remains.

Report Number:
Research Report
Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar


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