Saddlescombe Farm, Newtimber, West Sussex: Report on Geophysical Surveys, September 2023

Author(s): Andy Payne, Megan Clements

Earth resistance and fluxgate magnetometer surveys were conducted over the earthwork remains of a presumed Medieval settlement in a pasture field south of Saddlescombe Manor in the parish of Newtimber, West Sussex. The surveys were undertaken primarily to provide practical training in the use of archaeological geophysical techniques for volunteers linked to the National Trust led and Lottery Heritage funded Changing Chalk programme. The earth resistance survey (0.8ha) succeeded in mapping both the layout of the Medieval earthworks and additional anomalies within the complex that provide further definition and understanding of the archaeological evidence at Saddlescombe. In contrast, the magnetometer survey (0.8ha) was largely uninformative except for a few very marginal linear responses recorded over parts of the Medieval earthworks that are difficult to interpret with confidence.

Report Number:
Research Report
Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Magnetometer Medieval Settlement


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