Historic England Creative Clusters Analysis

Author(s): GC Insight Ltd

This research report has been prepared by GC Insight on behalf of Historic England. The scope of the research focused on identifying success criteria for existing ‘creative clusters’ or agglomerations of creative industries in the UK, assessing the potential for historic sites in the North of England to provide accommodation for creative businesses, and mapping the locations with highest potential. The results suggest that historic sites across the North of England hold significant potential for the creative industries sector, and if strategically invested in could catalyse growth, foster innovation and strengthen the North’s creative ecosystem. The report indicates Historic England may be able to play a complementary part in the growth of the creative industries in the North by highlighting the opportunities offered by unused and underused historic buildings in areas where the wider conditions for clustering are being brought about by initiatives such as One Creative North.

Report Number:
Heritage At Risk Creative Industries Creative Clusters Creative Corridors


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