Binchester Hall Farm, Binchester Roman Fort, County Durham: Excavation for a Sheep Dip in 1996

Author(s): Kath Buxton, Brenda Dickinson, Jeremy Evans, Stephanie Rakai, Clare de Rouffignac, Jan Summerfield, Colin Wallace, Pete Wilson

Small scale excavations in 1996 inside a building at Binchester Hall Farm, within the area of Binchester (Vinovia) Roman fort but outside the scheduled area, revealed well-preserved Roman deposits and features close to the surface. Deposits from the Flavian to Hadrianic periods were recorded, along with a possible Antonine abandonment horizon, a sequence that parallels that known from the area of the Commandants house (Ferris and Jones in preparation). Also found was part of a Roman building of third/fourth-century date fronting onto Dere Street, along with deposits within its interior, including a possible hearth. The surface of Dere Street was also recorded. Post-dating the Roman deposits was a wall from post-medieval (?)hexagonal building, possibly a dovecot or horse-engine house related to the Binchester Hall Farm complex. Finds included Roman pottery, coins, glass and metalwork, along with small quantities of animal bone. Some later material was also recovered.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Excavation Post Medieval Roman Settlement


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