Author(s): T Waldron
There were 49 discrete inhumations from this site of which 39 were adult (14 male, 19 female, 6 of uncertain sex), 9 juveniles and 1 infant. Several of the inhumat-ions contained intrusive human bones and one contained animal bone. The bones had suffered a considerable amount of post-mortem damage which severely limited the data which could be obtained from them. Twelve of the adult skeletons had dental disease and oneof the juveniles had heterotopic canines. Eight skeltons had osteoarthritis of the large joints; 1 juv- enile and two females had cribra orbitalia and 2 femaleshad hyperostosis frontalis interna.
- Report Number:
- 87/1987
- Series:
- AML Reports (New Series)
- Pages:
- 29
- Keywords:
- Human Bone Human Remains