Aviation Noise Metric - Research on the Potential Noise Impacts on the Historic Environment by Proposals for Airport Expansion in England

Author(s): Dani Fiumicelli, John Fisk, Simon, Rob Sutton

This report on analysing the impact of airport noise on the historic environment was commissioned by English Heritage from Temple Group Ltd in partnership with Cotswold Archaeology. At the time of writing, the Airports Commission are appraising proposals regarding the future expansion of airport capacity in the South East of England, all of which could lead to changes in aviation noise. The report sets out to fill a methodological gap by developing methodology specifically to analyse the noise impacts on the setting of heritage assets and thus their significance; noting that physical damage to their structure is unlikely. The methodology could potentially form part of the Airport Commission's appraisal of shortlisted proposals for expansion. The report includes a review of existing literature and case studies to illustrate the methodology. This research forms part of the wider work on the impact of development pressure on heritage within the National Heritage Protection Plan.

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