Evaluating Heritage at Risk Reviews of Pilot Projects for English Heritage

Author(s): Jura Consultants

Understanding Heritage at Risk is one of English Heritage’s (now Historic England's) key programme areas. At present, resources and initiatives are in place to monitor the condition of Grade I and II* listed buildings across England however the condition and threat to Grade II listed buildings is only comprehensively assessed in London. Grade II listed buildings account for over 90% of all listed buildings. The lack of any monitoring regime means that English Heritage currently has no evidence upon which to base policy or target intervention to support and inform the discussion on this important part of England’s heritage. In order to address this, English Heritage committed to funding 19 projects to test a range of approaches and models to surveying the condition of Grade II listed buildings with the aim of informing debate as to whether a national survey of Grade II listed buildings would be attractive, useful, feasible and financially deliverable. The projects selected are diverse in nature. This was a conscious choice to allow English Heritage to explore issues associated with a range of methodologies. Models range from surveying work being conducted by one individual building professional, to a variety of models using volunteers from a variety of sources (universities, civic societies, local communities) to one project which focused solely on developing an app with no collection of data.

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