The London, Thames Estuary, London: Tree-ring Analysis of Ship Timbers

Author(s): Nigel Nayling

This report summarises dendrochronological investigation of in situ timbers of a designated wreck identified as the London, located underwater at two sites in the Thames Estuary off Southend. Samples were taken from ceiling planks, framing timbers, and outer hull planks during diving operations in 2010. Four samples from Site 1 (including a sample from a previous study) were absolutely dated suggesting that the parent timbers were felled in Britain sometime after AD 1637. The dates produced support interpretation of Site 1 as part of the ship London which was launched in AD 1656 and lost following an explosion in AD 1665. Samples recovered from Site 2 generally had fast growth rates and therefore relatively few rings and no samples produced absolute dates.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Maritime Marine Wreck


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