Chatsworth House Greenhouse, Chatsworth, Derbyshire: An Investigation of the Flat Glass

Author(s): David Dungworth

As part of a project to investigate changes in window glass manufacturing practice between 1500 and 1960, 187 samples of window glass from the site of the conservatory at Chatsworth were analysed to determine their chemical compositions. The conservatory was constructed between 1837 and 1840 under the supervision of Joseph Paxton who later designed the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition in 1851. The Chatsworth Conservatory was constructed using improved cylinder glass by Chance Brothers and Co of Birmingham. The forming technique had recently been introduced to Britain and also benefited from the use of synthetic alkalis (rather than more traditional alkalis based on plant ashes). The 187 samples have been assigned to four groups based on their chemical composition and Groups 3 and 4 have been tentatively identified as the glass originally installed between 1837 and 1840.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Glass Technology


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