A child's hand on a large old fashioned key in a castle door.
A child's hand on a key at Carlisle Castle: here symbolising securing national heritage data for the nation and for future generations. © Historic England Archive. Image reference DP046610. View Archive catalogue for DP046610.
A child's hand on a key at Carlisle Castle: here symbolising securing national heritage data for the nation and for future generations. © Historic England Archive. Image reference DP046610. View Archive catalogue for DP046610.

National Security Copy (NSC) of Records

In line with HIAS Principle 7, on behalf of the nation, we will ensure that a secure copy of the complete national record exists to protect against data loss for future generations.

The secure copy consists of records curated by local Historic Environment Records (HERs), records created by Historic England awaiting transfer to HERs and the National Marine Heritage Record.

Safety will be guaranteed by back-up copies maintained by the respective organisations involved.

Historic England, the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers (ALGAO) and key stakeholders have agreed best practice to ensure that a security copy of the shared national heritage record exists and is safeguarded on behalf of the nation.

This best practice includes:

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