A bound volume of plans and illustrations including the RCHME survey, location diagrams, and other illustrations
This is part of the Volume: AF0662295 RCHME: Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham Abbey, Essex; within the Series: RCH01/001 RCHME Archaeological Requests; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive
© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive
People & Organisations
Archaeological Field Investigator: Loaring, Simon: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England
Archaeological Field Investigator: Tuck, Cathy: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England
Archaeological Field Investigator: Struth, Paul: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Archaeological Field Investigator: Kenney, Jane: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Architectural Field Investigator: Falconer, Keith: Rchme Cambridge Architecture
Archaeological Field Investigator: Cocroft, Wayne: Royal Commission On The Historical Monuments Of England
Archaeological Field Investigator: Oswald, Alastair: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
Archaeological Field Investigator: Ford, Adam: Rchme Cambridge Archaeology
20th Century Government Office, 20th Century Research Station, Post Medieval Explosives Factory, Post Medieval Gunpowder Works