Diver Logbook by Ian Oxley, 1989 season

16 May 1989 - 12 Jul 1989
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Logbook consists of a exercise book by Ian Oxley. Volume covers 16 MAY 1989 - 12 JUL 1989. Daily entries record the dive team's activities including: diving operations, equipment maintenance, liaising with local divers and contacts, weather conditions, survey methods, geophysical survey information, datums, sketches and observations of the fieldwork. Wrecks covered are: Northumberland, Restoration, Admiral Gardner, Portencross wreck near Largs Marina, Teignmouth wrecks, Kingswier Castle cannon site, Iona II, Studland Bay, Gull Rock, Girdlenes and Sphene, Galleon Rocks, Rill Cove, Schiedam, Brighton Marina and Hazardous. Concludes with dive times for the whole team and visitors recorded in the back of the book.


This is part of the Series: ADU01/03 Dive Logbooks Series; within the Collection: ADU01 Archaeological Diving Unit Archive


© Crown copyright

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Oxley, Ian

Creator of Archive: University Of St Andrews Archaeological Diving Unit


Late 20th Century Wreck, Archaeological Dive Site