Exterior perspective view of south and west facades of The Grange in Leominster, also known as Grange Court

Aug 1932
The Grange, Leominster, County Of Herefordshire
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Grange Court, The Grange, Leominster, County Of Herefordshire
Photograph (Negative)
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The building was built as a town hall in circa 1633, and was later converted into a private dwelling and is now used as offices. It was removed as a traffic hazard and re-erected on its present site in 1853 and contains a mixture of 17th century features and 19th century additions. A note on the reverse of the print taken from the original negative states that the building may also have been in use as a market hall at some point in its history.


This is part of the Sub Series: RCH01/166/03 RCHME Inventory of Herefordshire, Volume III, North-West: Glass Plate and Large Format Negatives; within the Series: RCH01/166 RCHME Inventory of Herefordshire, Volume III, North-West; within the Sub Collection: RCH01/01 RCHME Inventory Volumes; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive


Source: Historic England Archive


Stuart Town Hall, Stuart Timber Framed Building, Stuart Market Hall