Plan of Willsworthy Training Area annotated with monument record identifiers from the English Heritage AMIE database.

Peter Tavy, Willsworthy Training Area, West Devon, Devon
Measured Survey
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The plan is entitled 'HOB UID Concordance Sheet' and is sheet 11 of 14.


This is part of the Volume: AF00144 Archaeological Condition Baseline Survey, Willsworthy Training Area, Devon; within the Series: EHC01/001 EH Archaeological Requests; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive


© Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: English Heritage


Early Med. Or Later Stone, Post Medieval Stone Quarry, Prehistoric Or Roman Settlement, 20th Century Shelter, 20th Century Stable, 20th Century Slit Trench, Early Med. Or Later Trough, Post Medieval Trough, 20th Century Weapons Pit, Prehistoric Or Roman Wall, 20th Century Trackway, Medieval Trackway, Prehistoric Or Roman Trackway, Bronze Age Unenclosed Settlement, Early Med. Or Later Streamworks, Medieval Streamworks, Early Med. Or Later Tinners Hut, Post Medieval Adit, 20th Century Army Camp, Bronze Age Boundary Wall, 20th Century Boundary Stone, Post Medieval Boundary Stone, Bronze Age Cist, Early Med. Or Later Clapper Bridge, Post Medieval Cider Press, Bronze Age Cairn, Post Medieval Cairn, Prehistoric Cairn, Prehistoric Or Roman Cairn, Uncertain Cairn, Bronze Age Cairnfield, Prehistoric Or Roman Cairnfield, 20th Century Butts, Early Med. Or Later Building, Post Medieval Building, Bronze Age Enclosed Settlement, Prehistoric Or Roman Enclosed Settlement, Bronze Age Enclosed Hut Circle Settlement, Early Med. Or Later Clearance Cairn, Prehistoric Or Roman Clearance Cairn, Post Medieval Drain, 20th Century Earthwork, Post Medieval Earthwork, Neolithic Findspot, Prehistoric Or Roman Findspot, Early Med. Or Later Field, Bronze Age Field System, Early Med. Or Later Field System, Post Medieval Field System, Post Medieval Farmhouse, Early Med. Or Later Extractive Pit, Early Med. Or Later Enclosure, Prehistoric Or Roman Enclosure, Post Medieval Farmstead, Post Medieval Farm Building, 20th Century Military Camp, 20th Century Mound, Uncertain Footpath, Bronze Age Hut Circle, Prehistoric Or Roman Hut Circle, Post Medieval Lazy Beds, 20th Century Lookout, Prehistoric Or Roman Field System, 20th Century Firing Range, 20th Century Flagpole, Bronze Age Reave, Early Med. Or Later Reservoir, Bronze Age Round Cairn, 20th Century Sheep Fold, Bronze Age Settlement, Post Medieval Millstone, 20th Century Pit, 20th Century Radio Station, Post Medieval Quarry, Bronze Age Ring Cairn, Early Med. Or Later Leat, Post Medieval Leat, 20th Century Target, Post Medieval Structure, Post Medieval Spoil Heap, 20th Century Stone