Job: Site survey of The Grange, Northington

Mar 1976
The Grange, Northington, The Grange Park, Winchester, Hampshire
Job containing Graphic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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Sixteen sheets of a site survey of The Grange, Northington. There are six sheets of a topographic survey of the site, including a location plan, a traverse diagram, and a list of arbitrary grid co-ordinates. There are also ground-floor plans of the east and west blocks, sections A-A to D-D, and five sheets of rectified photographic elevations of both the east and the west blocks. The sheets were produced in March 1976 by Plowman Craven and Associates on behalf of the Department of the Environment.


This is part of the Volume: PF/NOG The Grange, Northington, Hampshire; within the Series: EHC01/022 English Heritage Plans and Measured Drawings; within the Collection: EHC01 English Heritage(EH):Archive

This Job is divided into 16 Child Records
This Job contains the following materials:
Measured Survey: 11
Rectified Photography: 5


© Crown Copyright. Historic England Archive

People & Organisations

Creator of Archive: Plowman Craven And Associates

Customer: Department Of The Environment


Post Medieval Country House