Series: Zip Disks Series

1986 - 2002
Series containing Electronic material
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22 Zip Disks containing digital information relating to designated and non-designated wrecks including databases, photographs and geophysical data.

Note: many file formats are non standard and/or outdated. The following explains these formats.

.blb - A GIS Binary Large Object file that is no longer functional.

.c, .fnt, .asm - Associated files with the .exe programs for configuring positioning beacons.

.cam - possibly prioprietry image file. Not decipherable.

.dgm - a proprietry file that is not easily decipherable. Possibly contains similar data to the txt files in the same folders which is positioning data.

.grd - Surfer Mapping program software used for griding geophysical data. Associated with .srf files below.

.nav - Navigation files usually the diving vessel position. These files can be opened in Notepad.

.pcx - A now-defunct image file format.

.srf - Surfer Mapping program software used for griding geophysical data such as magnetometry and bathymetry. Associated with .grd files above.

.ttt - Different format of navigation file.

.xyz - Standard easting, northing, height/depth usually for bathymetry.


This is part of the Collection: ADU01 Archaeological Diving Unit Archive

This Series is divided into 22 Sub Series and 1 Child Volume
This Series contains the following materials:
Floppy Disk: 22




Wreck, Archaeological Dive Site