Volume: Calshot Castle, Hampshire

1833; pre-1950; 20 Jul 1965 and Jan 1969
Calshot Castle, Fawley, Calshot, New Forest, Hampshire
Volume containing Photographic material
Placeholder image for archive collection
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Album of 63 pages containing 65 photographs of the keep, gatehouse, moat and gun emplacements. There is also a series of shots of the roof of the gatehouse. Apart from a copy of a 19th century map and three photographs pre-1950, the rest of the coverage dates from 20 July 1965 and January 1969

Archival History

Apart from three images by the Office of Works and Ministry of Works, the rest are by the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works and it is therefore assumed that the album was created by this body


This is part of the Series: OWS01/01 The 'Blue Albums'; within the Collection: OWS01 Office of Works and Successors: Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings

This Volume is divided into 64 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Print): 118
Photograph Album: 1


© Crown copyright


Tudor Castle