Volume: Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London

Westminster Abbey, Westminster, City of Westminster, Greater London Authority, SW1
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A file of material created by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, recording Westminster Abbey. The file contains information on: the exterior; historical development; interior architecture; conditions; fittings (general excluding funerary monuments); presbytery; chapel of Edward the Confessor; and the north and south ambulatories.


This is part of the Sub Series: RCH01/175/01 RCHME Inventory of London, Volume I, Westminster Abbey: Inventory Notes; within the Series: RCH01/175 RCHME Inventory of London, Volume I, Westminster Abbey; within the Sub Collection: RCH01/01 RCHME Inventory Volumes; within the Collection: RCH01 Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME) Archive


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