Reasons for Designation
The Long Mynd is the largest expanse of open moorland in Shropshire and is one
of the most complete examples of an upland relict landscape in the western
Midlands. It offers a considerable diversity of archaeological remains which
provide direct evidence for the exploitation of this area of upland from the
Early Prehistoric period onwards. The often well preserved relationship
between settlement sites, land boundaries and funerary monuments give insights
into successive changes in the pattern of land use through time. The enclosure
on Haddon Hill offers important information concerning the management of stock
during an early phase of land use. It survives in excellent condition and will
retain archaeological information and environmental evidence relating to the
landscape in which it was constructed and the economy of its builders. In its
juxtaposition with other monuments of the same period, it contributes
important information on the land use and settlement pattern of the
prehistoric communities occupying this area of upland during the Late Bronze
Age and Early Iron Age.
The monument includes a small enclosure situated towards the northern end of a
narrow steep-sided south-west to north-east orientated spur. The enclosure is
roughly D-shaped in plan with maximum dimensions of 54m north-east to
south-west by 36m transversely and lies with its long axis along the ridge. It
is constructed to make maximum use of the topography, the naturally
precipitous slope of the spur on its south side being used as the southern
side of the enclosure. Around the remaining sides a well defined bank and
external ditch are employed. These are of a roughly uniform appearance, the
bank averaging 2.5m wide and up to 0.6m high, the ditch 2m wide and 0.3m deep.
There is no visible evidence of an entrance into the enclosure, although a
modern pathway running along the ridge top, cutting through the bank 8m from
the north-east corner and 11m from the south-west corner, could lie on the
line of an original entrance. Some 20m from the north-west corner of the
enclosure, a short length of bank, 10m long and 0.4m high, runs at right
angles from the edge of the ditch to join the northern side of the enclosure
with the steepening northern slope of the ridge. This, with the enclosure
wall, would have effectively controlled any movement along the ridge top.
The enclosure is not considered to be a defensive structure, all the banks are
too slight, and it is probably a stock enclosure. Its design, using a
cross-dyke style of construction, is similar to other prehistoric sites in the
area, suggesting that it is contemporary with these sites and that it may be
regarded as Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age in date. MAP EXTRACT
The site of the monument is shown on the attached map extract.
It includes a 5 metre boundary around the archaeological features,
considered to be essential for the monument's support and preservation.
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