This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 17/09/2015
SO 73 SE
Playley Green Farmhouse (Formerly listed as Playley Green Farmhouse, ROCK PITCH (south side)) II Farmhouse. First half C17, C18, altered late C20. Brick-nogged
timber-framing on stone plinth: timbers slight in right extension.
Painted brickwork to late C20 leanto. Clay tiles to roof on left,
concrete plain tile on right. Two-bay cross wing, 2½ storeys, 2-
bay wings each side, 1 1/2 storeys, single-storey, single bay wing on
left end, and leanto to front on left. Facade to yard: on right
C18 addition: framing a little irregular, two 2-light casements to
ground floor, lateral chimney on rear towards right. To left
flush gable of cross wing; framing 2-panels high per floor. Two-
light casement ground and first floors to right of centre,
weatherboard over upper. Truss with tie beam and 2 collars, 2-
light casement between collars, weatherboard and V struts over:
ridge chimney to rear. Blocked door on left return; set back on
left wing, framing 3 panels high. Late C20 window in bricked-up
doorway on left. Projecting, to left, late C20 leanto wing, two
2-light casements, door on right return, gable chimney left end.
First floor leanto dormer on right, 2-light casement: similar
dormer to left but with metal casement and corrugated iron roof.
Single-storey timber-framed extension on left: 2-light C20
casement replacing door, single-light casement to left.
Internally, ceiling beams in cross wing, ground floor, heavy
chamfer with bar and pyramid stops.
Listing NGR: SO7579631387
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