723-1/15/9 (East side)
13/03/72 Little Jericho
(Formerly Listed as:
(East side)
Little Jericho) GV II House. c1600, extended in early C17, early C19 and C20.
Timber-framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red clay tiles.
3 bays facing approx W with central stack, forming a
lobby-entrance plan, with stair tower to rear of middle bay. 2
storeys and originally occupied attics. C18 outshuts to each
side of it, forming catslides with the main roof, and C18
external stack to right. C20 single-storey extension to rear
left, with hipped roof of machine-made red clay tiles.
2-storey porch added early in C17. Ground floor, two C19
tripartite sashes of 4:16:4 lights. First floor, three C20
casements. Early C19 6-panel door with flat canopy on profiled
brackets. A bay window has been added to each side of the
porch in recent years. Simple parapet with moulded wooden
cornice. The porch and stair tower have hipped roofs. Jowled
posts, primary straight bracing, heavy studding, edge-halved
and bridled scarf in rear wallplate.
INTERIOR: the ground-floor rooms have axial beams with deep
chamfers and large lamb's tongue stops, with plain joists of
vertical section; the left end of the left beam is supported
on a brick pier. The studding of the rear wall of the right
lower room has been removed. The large wood-burning hearth to
left has an inserted mantel beam with lamb's tongue stops,
below the severed original mantel beam, both ends of which
remain in situ; the 0.33m brick jambs have been re-faced.
Right hearth much altered. C20 brick nogging is used
internally as decor. Similar floors above. Butt-purlin roof
with joggled purlins, in 3 bays above each room. The original
newel stair is largely intact to the attics, altered near the
HISTORICAL NOTE: the siting, near the church and on land
connected with Jericho Priory (qv), the height and general
character, suggest this house was built as a vicarage by John
Smyth, owner of Jericho Priory from 1594 to 1621.
(Morant P: The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex:
1768-: 57).
Listing NGR: TL6034101732
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Books and journals Morant, P, The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, (1768), 57
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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