723-1/8/148 (West side)
Lodge to Warley Hospital and
attached walls
Lodge at entrance to Warley Hospital (qv). 1889. By HE Kendall
and RR Pope. Red brick with stone dressing, roof of
machine-made flat tiles, some semicircular, laid in decorative
bands, crested tiles at roof apex. 170m E of principal
building, of main building phase of hospital. Tudor Style.
EXTERIOR: 2 storey rectangular block with roofs contrived as
principal N-S range and S end cross-wing, tower and porch set
in internal angle on NE side. Narrow single storey rectangular
unit is set at the S end. All windows are metal framed
casements and on ground floor on N and E sides have chamfered
sills. N elevation to drive, to W gabled single bayed block
with diagonal buttress on N W corner. Ground floor, 3-cant bay
window with stone hipped castellated roof, gargoyles at
angles, central 2x2 paned window, side windows have Gothic
arched heads with upper and lower panes. First floor, plain
window, 2x2 panes. To E, single storeyed gabled porch with low
octagonal castellated tower set behind. Porch doorway has flat
sided pointed arch with angel label stops, plain fan-light
within. C20 simple door with 2 glazed panels. E elevation (to
Warley Hill), central 2-storeyed gabled cross-wing, single
bay, ground floor, plain rectangular bay window with rebuilt
parapet (now plain), window has 2 mullions and 1 transom, 3x2
panes, single lights to side cants. First floor, rectangular
window with head stops to label, mullion and transom, 2x2
panes. To N, octagonal tower (lower than gable apex), gargoyle
cornice below embattled parapet, angled faces have small
cusped spherical triangular windows. Below, the angles run out
to rectangular plan with S side joining flush with cross-wing.
Ground floor, twin blocked triagular headed windows with outer
head stops. NE corner of tower has a pair of angle buttresses
with a broach buttress between. Above, at half height, a small
central pointed arched window with ogee cusping. To N, plain
side of porch with angle buttress, S end, lesser block flush
at front, roof aligned N-S but a gable to E with square ground
floor window, mullion and transom, 2x2 panes, label and stops.
Small rectangular roof vent above. A stack with a pair of
conjoined shafts is set at the S end of both major and minor
blocks. Rear W elevation, principal 2-storeyed range with
cross-wing gable at S end. Large central projecting twin
shafted double shouldered stack with diaper decoration in
black burnt headers, similar decoration on principal wall at N
end. Ground floor, N-S, diagonal buttress, stack, 2 narrow
segment headed windows each of 2 panes, blocked doorway with
arched head, (now has a C20 single casement window), angle
buttress. First floor, rectangular window with mullion and
transom, 2x2 panes, label with head stop set central to
cross-wing gable. Minor first floor projecting flue swept into
stack on S side. At S end, minor block set well back with roof
swept out to yard in internal angle. Simple C20 door with pair
of glazed panels, also simple side lights to doorway, diagonal
buttress on SW corner. S end elevation, end gable of minor
block with twin shafted double shouldered projecting stack.
Flank of 2-storeyed cross-wing behind with twin shafted stack
at E end. First floor, projecting stack at W end, corbelled
out on arch, shafts now missing.
WALLS: at front of lodge, 2 contemporary walls project, one
from the SE corner as a quadrant to the road, 13m long, the
other, straight, to the N from the NE corner is 5m long,
terminating at a buttressed pier on the S side of the drive.
The walls are similar with deep arch shaped coping. Both have
old seatings for upper railings now absent.
The Lodge, with Warley Hospital (qv) and Tower House (qv) form
a group.
Listing NGR: TQ5913492233