(North side)
Albert House Stables including
boundary wall GV II
Five stable ranges and boundary wall partly enclosing racehorse training stable yard. Mid to late C18 and early to mid C19 with minor C20 additions and alterations. Red brick ranges, the range on north west side incorporating a clunch boundary wall; hipped slate and C20 red pantile roofs. PLAN: on north west side of yard two ranges each flanking either side of entrance gateway to yard, on north east side two contiguous ranges, and on south side a single range. The back of Albert House, Moulton Road, (qv) formerly the trainer's house, projects into the south western corner of yard. RANGE 1: on north west side of yard to left of entrance gateway, early C19; to right a single storey with loose boxes, and to left two storeys with loose boxes on ground floor and loft above, the roof renewed in late C20. On the front a stable door to each loose box. RANGE 2: on north west side of yard to right of entrance gateway, mid C18; two storeys, on ground floor three cage boxes to either side of central cross-wall, hayloft above. Symmetrical front; on the ground floor two doorways with overlights, each with two vertical glazing bars, and to either side of each doorway a sash with glazing bars [3 x 4 panes], all the openings with segmental-arched rubbed brick heads; loft storey has three. Small, horizontal sliding sashes with glazing bars [4 x 3 panes]. At north east end of range an external timber staircase to loft doorway with vertical boarded door. In the south west end wall of range a central loft doorway with vertical boarded door. Lower half of the rear wall of range of clunch, originally part of boundary wall to yard, has an inserted cast-iron vent to each loose box; upper part of wall in brick has two loft doorways with vertical boarded doors, one in centre and one to right, and to left a horizontal sliding sash similar to sashes on front. Hipped roof with C20 pantiles. INTERIOR: on ground floor six C19 cage boxes with timber partitions between boxes, and in the front of each box an iron grille in sliding door and in flanking panel. Hayloft has open timber roof. RANGE 3: on east side of yard to north: two storeys, on the ground floor three case boxes to left, and feed room and tack room to right; the first floor a hay loft. On the front on ground floor to left a doorway with a sash to either side, in the centre a double door with timber lintel and a door to either side, and to right a door with sash to left; on the first floor four, small, horizontal sliding sashes with glazing bars [4 x 3 panes], and a loft doorway with vertical boarded door between the first and second sashes to right. RANGE 4: on east side of yard to south, two storeys; on ground floor five loose boxes, on first floor a staff flat. On the front five stable doors, and external timber staircase to first floor flat; on first floor to left of doorway to flat two horizontal sliding sashes and to right a similar sash, all with glazing bars [4 x 3 panes]. INTERIOR not inspected. RANGE 5: on south side of yard, mid C19, four single-storey units, each with a shallow-pitched slate roof hipped towards yard and weather boarded gable at rear built off earlier brick boundary wall. In the gables hopper lights with triangular heads. INTERIOR: originally four loose boxes altered later to form feed and store rooms. These stable ranges, together with Albert House [qv], the former trainer's house, are of special importance in that they have retained, as a group, the typical character of racehorse training stables in Newmarket during the late C18 and early C19 and as such are a rare survival.
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