National Heritage Protection Plan Ministry of Defence Disposals Wiltshire Pilot Study

Author(s): Wayne D Cocroft, Will Holborow, Jeremy Lake, Roger Thomas

The National Heritage Protection Plan (English Heritage 2011) identifies defence disposal sites as a priority for action by English Heritage, in terms of improving our understanding of their character and significance. An increasing number of Ministry of Defence (MoD) sites are being declared surplus to requirements and more will be put up for disposal during the next few years in response to the 2010 Strategic Defence and Security Review, reductions in MoD budgets and pressure to maximise receipts from sales of land. These sites include airfields, barracks, training camps, research establishments and a large number of miscellaneous parcels of land. In many instances, due to their closed and secretive nature, their historical significance is not well understood, and many are inadequately recorded in national and local heritage databases. This pilot project was designed to test a methodology that might be used in a proposed nationwide NHPP project.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Desk Top Assessment Modern Survey


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