336 PHILIP LANE, Tottenham, London N15 - Chronicle and Assessment of historical fixtures and fittings

Author(s): Andy Wittrick

English Heritage was notified by the London Borough of Haringey of the plight of this building. Listed grade II as recently as 1996, the building has been vacant for a considerable period. The structure has been subject to vandalism and theft and placed on the BAR register. Due to concern about the risk of loss or damage to the important features from theft and vandalism, a Schedule of Urgent Works was served on the local authority. Following discussions with the local authority, London Region, N&E Area Team, sought advice from HR&CS (London) with regards to an assessment of the surviving fabric of the building. In agreement with the LB Haringey, HR&CS (London & SE) team offered, in conjunction with the local authority, to assist with a survey and preparation of an inventory of features at the above. This brief report comprises a short description and a detailed inventory of fixtures and fittings.

Report Number:


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