The Stockton & Darlington Railway Goods Depot, Darlington: Historic Building Investigation and Assessment of Significance

Author(s): Purcell Architecture Ltd

This report examines the history, development, function and significance of the Stockton and Darlington Railway (S&DR) Goods Depot at Darlington. It provides: a general history of the North Road site; the historic development and functionality of the Goods Depot building; an analysis of the building and its principal phases; discussion of the building’s place in the evolution of goods sheds as a building type; and an assessment of the building’s significance. It was undertaken to improve the understanding of the fabric, the current and former uses of the building, and its lost architectural features. The report will inform the development of Darlington’s Railway Heritage Quarter (RHQ) Masterplan. The Goods Depot sits within a complex of buildings associated with the first and second generations of railway architecture, all of which have considerable individual and collective significance. The Goods Depot is of particular significance: as the earliest surviving, single-storey, railway goods shed in England, it is key to understanding the development of an emerging building type. While later alterations inhibit the ability to appreciate this fully, the building represents a considerable opportunity better to understand and appreciate our shared industrial heritage, and to contribute to the appreciation and unique offer of the area.

Report Number:
Research Report
Railway Architectural Investigation Research


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