39-41 Westgate Street, Gloucester. Historic Building Assessment

Author(s): Rebecca Lane

This report presents the findings of the investigation undertaken on 39-41 Westgate Street, Gloucester. Included within the report are the results of the measured survey and photographic survey undertaken during recent works to stabilise and restore both buildings. Documentary research was also undertaken to support the analysis of the two plots. The plots were owned by St Bartholamew’s Hospital from the 14th to the 19th centuries. The front range, originally spanning both plots, was reconstructed in the late 16th century under tenant Thomas Weekes or his successor Henry Strafford, with a shop or shops on the ground floor, and domestic accommodation above. Within a few years a range was added to the rear of the east bay (later No. 39). By the mid-17th century the front range had been subdivided to form two separate units again, and the small rear range was added to the western plot (later No. 41). The eastern bay of the front range (No. 39) was reconstructed as a three-storey brick building in the early 19th century.

Report Number:
Research Report
Standing Building


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