Church of St Peter, West Liss, Hampshire: Tree-Ring Dating of Timbers

Author(s): Robert Howard, Alison Arnold

Tree-ring analysis was undertaken on samples from the roofs of the nave, south aisle, and porch at this church resulting in the dating of a single site sequence. Site sequence LSSASQ01 contains 14 samples and spans the period AD 1546–1614. The five dated timbers from the nave roof comprise three rafters from the east end of the roof felled c AD 1616 and two reused collars, also from the east end, felled in the period AD 1581–1606. Eight dated timbers from the south aisle roof, including six rafters and two collars, were all probably felled during the period AD 1605–40. In addition the timber removed during repairs, which supported the valley gutter has an estimated felling date range of AD 1581–1606. Four other site sequences remain undated but one of these demonstrates that there are reused timbers from the nave and aisle roofs that are coeval with non-reused rafters from the nave, whilst another shows that at least five of the backing rafters in the nave roof represent a single felling episode.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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