Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Standing at the Bucks Head, Debenham, Suffolk

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton

Analysis carried out on eight samples from the timbers of this structure resulted in the construction of two site sequences. The first, of 79 rings, contains two samples and spans the period AD 1507-85. One of the samples is estimated to have been felled in AD 1600-25. An estimated felling date cannot be calculated for the other sample as it does not have the heartwood/sapwood boundary ring. The second site sequence, of 60 rings, contains two samples, and spans the period AD 1561-1620. Both samples are from trees felled in AD 1620. Sample KDS-A08 was dated individually to the period AD 1544-1605. This sample has complete sapwood and so that last measured ring date is the felling date of the timber represented.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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