Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Nave Roof and Ceiling of the Cathedral Church of St Peter and St Wilfred, Ripon, North Yorkshire

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cliff Litton

A total of 30 core samples was obtained from the principal oak timbers of the roof and the ceiling ribs of the nave of Ripon Cathedral. The analysis of these produced two major site chronologies, one of six samples, 226 rings long, and another of nine samples, 117 rings long. Two other site chronologies with only two samples each were also created. Despite the number of samples obtained, the length of the site chronologies created, and despite being compared with a very extensive range of reference chronologies, none of the site chronologies, nor any individual samples, could be dated. It would certainly appear that timbers within groups were felled at the same time as each other, possibly for use as specific elements. However, it is not possible to ascertain whether the groups of timbers, or the ungrouped individual timbers, are either contemporary, or whether they represent different woodland sources.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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