Netherhall Barn, Dalton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Dendrochronological analysis undertaken on ten samples from the roof structure of this building has resulted in the construction and dating of two site sequences and the individual dating of two samples. Site sequence NTHBSQ01, of 74 rings, contains three samples and spans the period AD 1356–1429. Site sequence NTHBSQ02, of 78 rings, contains four samples and spans the period AD 1376–1453. Samples NTH-B01 and NTH-B06 were dated individually to the periods AD 1386–1433 and AD 1379–1451, respectively. Two of these dated samples were felled in AD 1453 with interpretation of the heartwood/sapwood boundary of the other seven samples suggesting that these were also felled at this time. Tree-ring analysis has shown this barn to be constructed with timbers felled in AD 1453 and confirms the survival of many of the medieval timbers.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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