Stonehenge Visitors Centre, Winterbourne Stoke, Wiltshire: Report on Geophysical Surveys, July 2023

Author(s): Megan Clements, Neil Linford, Paul Linford, Andy Payne

Earth resistance, caesium magnetometer and ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys were conducted at the Stonehenge Visitor Centre, Winterbourn Stoke, Wiltshire, as preliminary investigations into the archaeological potential of the area in advance of proposals to expand educational facilities at the site. The earth resistance (0.7ha) and vehicle towed caesium magnetometry (1.3ha) surveys have mostly detected modern activity related to the Visitor Centre’s construction, landscaping and use along with agricultural activity. Both surveys have also identified pit-type anomalies of possible anthropogenic origin. Results from the vehicle towed GPR survey (1.7ha) largely responded to surface disturbance over the site due to recent event marquees, known foot paths and utilities, together with anomalies due to the underlying chalk geology.

Report Number:
Research Report
Earth Resistance Geophysical Survey Ground Penetrating Radar Neolithic Prehistoric


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