1 High Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire: Tree-Ring Dating of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge, Cathy Tyers

Ring-width series from seven oak timbers were cross-matched and dated. The dated sample from one timber retained complete sapwood, indicating a felling date for the tree from which this timber was derived in the summer of AD 1441. Another dated sample had only lost a couple of millimetres from the outer part of the complete sapwood present on the timber and had a last measured ring formed in AD 1438. The other five dated samples all produce similar felling date ranges. These seven dated timbers are from three levels in the building, and it is likely that the present building was constructed in late AD 1441, or within a year or two after this date, using timber of local origin.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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