The Contribution of Designated Heritage Assets to Biodiversity and Natural Capital in England: An Approach to Integrated Conservation

Author(s): Kate Jeffreys, Simon Ford, Alex Woolcock, Phil Collins, Brendan Cooper

This report sets out the approach, methodology and key findings relating to Project 8238 for Historic England, ‘The contribution of Designated Heritage Assets to Biodiversity and Natural Capital in England’. The project looks at how heritage assets can support biodiversity conservation, and at the relationships between wildlife, geodiversity, heritage and natural capital through a series of case studies: 6 National Character Areas (NCA) and 10 designated heritage assets. The project provides recommendations at the site, landscape and national scales for practitioners, including current and emerging funding and enhancement schemes, in the context of the statutory duty on public bodies to further biodiversity conservation, as well as considering opportunities for gains for heritage from integrated management. Key relationships between biodiversity, heritage and natural capital were described for each case study site and NCA, including quantitative and qualitative data. These findings were collated and assessed for recurring themes, to help identify and describe the relationships most encountered.

Report Number:
Research Report


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