The Old Rectory, Epworth, North Lincolnshire : Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on samples taken from the roof structure and ceiling beams at this building, resulting in the construction of two site sequences. Attempts to match these site sequences against the reference material were unsuccessful and both remain undated. However, site sequence ORYASQ02 contains samples from the roof and one ceiling beam, and interpretation of the heartwood/sapwood boundary ring position of these demonstrates that at least one of the ceiling beams is likely to be of the same date as the roof structure. A sample taken from a principal rafter has been dated individually to the period AD 1623–1704 and the tree from which it was derived is estimated to have been felled within the range AD 1705–18. Prior to the tree-ring analysis, documentary evidence suggested the Old Rectory was constructed in AD 1709, following a fire that totally destroyed an earlier building on the site. It is now known that the roof of this extant building contains at least one timber felled in AD 1705–18, consistent with a felling of AD 1709.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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