Church Of St Peter, West Liss, Hampshire: Tree-Ring Analysis and Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching of the Nave and Chancel Roofs

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Seren Griffiths, Bronk Ramsey, Dr G T Cook, Paula Reimer, Peter Marshall

Forty samples from the nave, south aisle, and porch of this church were subject to tree-ring dating; three of these also underwent radiocarbon and wiggle-match analysis. Three nave timbers were dendrochronologically dated to AD 1581--1606 and two to c AD 1616. A further nine timbers from this roof have now been dated by radiocarbon wiggle-matching to the early fourteenth century and five backing rafters have also been dated by radiocarbon wiggle-matching to the eighteenth or nineteenth century These results suggest construction of the present roof at the beginning of the fourteenth century with repairs and modifications undertaken in c AD 1616 and the eighteenth or nineteenth century. Eight timbers of the south aisle roof were tree-ring dated by dendrochronology to c AD 1616 and two reused timbers dated by radiocarbon wiggle-matching to the early fourteenth century, suggesting the primary construction utilised some reused material. Two timbers from the porch have been dated by radiocarbon wiggle-matching to the late fourteenth or early fifteenth century, a date at odds with the inscribed date of AD 1639.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating Standing Building Wiggle-Match


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