Patient lying beneath the x-ray tube, St Bartholomew's Hospital, West Smithfield, City of London, Greater London

A patient lying beneath the x-ray tube while an operator adjusts the position of the tube at the Mozelle Sasson High Voltage X-Ray Therapy Department at St Bartholomew's Hospital. The first scientific paper on X-Rays was published in December 1895. The first X-ray plant was installed at St Bartholomew's by 1896. The department under went many changes during the early 20th century. On the 10 December 1936 the Mozelle Sassoon High Voltage X-Ray Therapy Department was officially opened. It was in a specially constructed building and used barium concrete to provide insulation against stray radiation. This equipment was in use until 1962 and treated around 5,000 patients.


Greater London City of London


World War Two (1939 - 1945)


medicine health people uniform doctor men women