Whitby Abbey, Whitby, North Yorkshire

This image is titled "The North View of Whitby Abbey in the North Riding of Yorkshire". It is an engraving by Samuel Buck, drawn in 1711. He was born in 1696 and this would have been one of his earliest works. Samuel later went in to business with his brother Nathaniel Buck. In 1724 they set out around England to make similar engravings of 'antiquities' and published them. This engraving of Whitby Abbey particulary important as it shows that the building was still fairly complete. The Victoria County states 'In 1711, when Buck's view was published, the building was still almost entire, but since that date the destruction has been very rapid. The greater part of the nave must have fallen soon afterwards, and the central tower collapsed early in the last century, carrying with it a considerable portion of the south quire wall.' This site is now in the care of English Heritage (2011).


North Yorkshire Whitby


Stuart (1603 - 1713)


abbey church monastery dissolution religion faith ruin english heritage anglo saxon (410 - 1065) drawing medieval (1066 - 1484)