Volume: Ministry of Works Distribution Centre at Ruddington, Nottinghamshire

30 Jun 1947
Ruddington Depot, Ruddington, Rushcliffe, Nottinghamshire
Volume containing Photographic material
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A series of 7 black and white negatives taken for the Ministry of Works showing a M.O.W. Distribution Centre at Ruddington. This is believed to the former Ruddington Ordnance and Supply Depot, originally built as a Royal Ordnance Factory in circa 1940. After the war the site was decommissioned and became a storage area for ex-military vehicles and other surplus equipment from the armed forces. From July 1946 it was used as a site for auctioning surplus goods. The original Ministry of Works storage envelope lists the operator as “F” and the division as “D.D.T.H”.


This is part of the Sub Series: PSA01/04/H Housing; within the Series: PSA01/04 Negatives; within the Collection: PSA01 Property Services Agency

This Volume is divided into 3 Child Records
This Volume contains the following materials:
Photograph (Negative): 7


Source: Historic England Archive


Mid 20th Century Distribution Centre