Author(s): Matt Canti
Buried soils and soil materials from Wroxeter Baths(site 340) have been analysed by micromorphology, grainsize and organic matter tests. The natural soil at thesite appears to have been a Typical Brown Earthdeveloped in River Terrace alluvium, which was sealedby the construction of the rampart from similar localmaterial. At the interface between the Early Civilian andHadrianic construction there is evidence for inputs tothe soil of building waste and charcoal, as well as anincreased silt content in relation to the rampart andpre-rampart materials. While the former is clearly theresult of human activity, it is suggested that thelatter reflects localised variations in the originalsedimentation at the site.
- Report Number:
- 1/1988
- Series:
- AML Reports (New Series)
- Pages:
- 13
- Keywords:
- Soil/Sediment