North West Coast Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (4548) - Air Survey Mapping Report
Author(s): Cinzia Bacillieri, David Knight, Shona Williams
This report details the key findings from the Aerial Photograph Interpretation element of the North West Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Survey (NW RCZAS), funded by English Heritage (EH) through the Historic Environment Enabling Programme (HEEP 4548 MAIN) and undertaken by Archaeological Research Services Ltd (ARS Ltd) in partnership with EH. The NW RCZAS survey area consists of complete 1km squares which cover a strip of land from the lowest astronomical tide level to within 1km inland, along the coast between the Anglo-Welsh border on the Dee and the Anglo-Scottish border on the Solway. This is primarily a management report concentrating on the methodology and products of the air photo interpretation and mapping. There are brief period and thematic summaries that highlight key results of the survey.
- Report Number:
- 108/2009
- Series:
- Other
- Pages:
- 74
- Keywords:
- Aerial Photograph Interpretation Aerial Photography National Mapping Programme