Colton Pits, Nettlecombe, Somerset: Early Iron Ore Extraction Pits and 19th and 20th Century Mining

Author(s): Hazel Riley

Summary survey of an extensive area of iron ore extraction pit locally known as Colton Pits, was earned out by the Exeter Office of English Heritage at the request of the Exmoor National Park Authority The pits are currently in commercially managed coniferous woodland. Current work suggests that the extraction pits could date from the medieval period, perhaps very early in this time period. The survey combined with air photographic transcription also recorded features concerned with the 19th and 20th century working of the site. The site contains features which relate to the some of the earliest iron and some of the latest iron ore mining operations on the Brendon Hills.

Report Number:
Early Medieval Iron Metal Working-Fe Modern Post Medieval Survey Aerial Photograph Interpretation Aerial Photography


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