Belsay Castle, Belsay, Near Morpeth, Northumberland: Tree-Ring and Radiocarbon Analysis of Oak Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers, Bronk Ramsey, Elaine Dunbar, Peter Marshall

Tree-ring analysis was undertaken on samples taken from the coach house/stables range, the castle tower, and the castle annexe resulting in the construction of a single site sequence representing two tiebeams from the tower. This site sequence could not be conclusively dated through dendrochronology alone but tentative dating obtained has now been supported by radiocarbon wiggle-match dating. These two tiebeams are now known to have been felled in AD 1439–64DR.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating Standing Building Wiggle-Match


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