Hales Hall, Litchmere Lane, Loddon, Norfolk: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from the Hall Range, Barn, and Bothy

Author(s): Robert Howard, Alison Arnold

Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken on 86 of the 91 core samples obtained from the hall range, barn, and bothy at Hales Hall, Loddon, Norfolk. Interpretation of the sapwood on the 74 dated samples would suggest the likelihood that construction of the original hall range and barn took place in the AD 1490s, although a few possibly slightly earlier timbers were incorporated. The extant roofs to the east and middle sections of the hall range, the east-end ground- and first-floor ceilings of the hall range, and the original part of the bothy date to the mid-AD 1590s, although again incorporating a few possibly slightly earlier timbers. The ground-floor ceiling in the bothy extension uses reused timbers originally felled in AD 1410–35 and AD 1468–93.

Report Number:
Research Report
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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