Vauxhall, London : The scientific examination of glass and glassworking materials from the late seventeenth century glasshouse

Author(s): David Dungworth

The late 17th-century glasshouse at Vauxhall was excavated by archaeologists from the Museum of London in the 1980s. The recent monograph on the site contains some information from scientific examination of the glass and glassworking materials. This report contains all the available information, including some unpublished data. A range of glass and glassworking materials (eg crucibles) from the site was examined using scientific techniques. The SEM-EDS and XRF analyses show that some of the data (chemical composition) previously acquired using ICPS (and reported in the monograph) is inaccurate. The examination of some materials (the crucibles and the ‘frit’) using SEM-EDS allowed chemical composition to be compared to microstructure (eg glass-crucible interaction). This approach demonstrates that the ‘frit’ identified by Tyler and Willmott is devitrified glass.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Glass Post Medieval


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