The Urban and Suburban Public House in Inter-War England, 1918-1939

Author(s): Emily Cole

This report is the outcome of a project initiated at the suggestion of 4A1, the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP) Activity Group responsible for historic towns and suburbs. The project has focused on the urban and suburban inter-war public house in England, and has aimed to increase levels of understanding, raise awareness, and heighten levels of protection afforded to inter-war pubs. The project reflects the high level of threat now faced by England’s pubs, and the high rates of closure, alteration and demolition. The report outlines the background and methodology of the project, and sets out a summary of the historical development of pubs in the inter-war period; for instance, notable architects, architectural styles employed, active breweries, and the ideals of pub improvement. Buildings considered include ‘improved’ or ‘reformed’ pubs – which usually featured rooms for entertainment, dining and non-alcoholic refreshment – as well as pubs built on more traditional lines. The second volume of the report contains detailed summaries of 37 pubs which were selected for detailed investigation, and which have been considered worthy of consideration for statutory designation. The third volume comprises the appendices – six separate tables of pubs considered at various stages of the project.

Report Number:
Research Report


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