3 And 5 The Cross

4 Nov 1999
3 And 5 The Cross, Minehead, West Somerset, Somerset, TA24 5JW
Photograph (Digital)
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This information is taken from the statutory List as it was in 2001 and may not be up to date.


SS9646 THE CROSS 900-1/3/82 (South side) 04/07/52 Nos.3 AND 5


Two cottages, formerly one house. C17. Painted render over rubblestone or cob, slate roof continuous with No.1 (qv), with brick stacks to left party wall and rear wing. 3-unit convex-curved plan with rear extension. 2 storeys; 3-window range. Windows to the first floor are at eaves level with painted ovolo mullions to 4-light leaded casements. No.3, to the left, has a similar window to the ground-floor left (formerly the lower end). The oak planked-and-studded door with strap hinges, to the right, has a Tudor-arched architrave with stopped chamfers. No.5 has a similar C19 architrave adjacent to the right with a C19 planked door; a tall C19 four-light casement window is to its right with a smaller 2-light window to far right. INTERIORS not inspected.

Listing NGR: SS9673446760


This is part of the Series: IOE01/1662 IOE Records taken by R M Rayner; within the Collection: IOE01 Images Of England


© Mr R.M Rayner. Source: Historic England Archive

This photograph was taken for the Images of England project

People & Organisations

Photographer: Rayner, R.M

Rights Holder: Rayner, R.M


Cob, Render, Rubble, Slate, Tudor House, Elizabethan Monument (By Form), Stuart Domestic, Jacobean Dwelling